Monday 18 March 2019

Identity Theft and other stories by Robert J Sawyer - Book Report #261

I enjoyed this book very much.  Not every story worked for me but that's okay.

The real joy of this anthology was the opportunity to read stories that would be very difficult to find today given the publication history.

Below is a list of links of the stories I reviewed from this book.


I highly recommend the book, it was one of my reading highlights of 2018.


Identity Theft -

Come All Ye Faithful -

Immortality -

Shed Skin -

The Stanley Cup Caper -

On The Surface -

The Eagle Has Landed -

Mikeys -

The Good Doctor - I didn't review this flash fiction, well, because I just didn't get it.  I read it twice and tried to get the joke but it escaped me completely.

Ineluctable -

The Right's Tough -

Kata Bindu -

Driving a Bargain -

Flashes -

Relativity -

Biding Time -

Postscript: E-Mails from the Future -

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