Wednesday 27 February 2019

The Big Picture by Richard Heinberg - An Essay Review

The subject of this essay is not an easy one to take but it has been all over the news lately.

The polarization of our politics, the ever-increasing wage gap and the threat of global warming are all pointing to a possible collapse of our ways of life.

But what does that really mean?  Are we headed to a Mad Max existence or a post-capitalist utopia as Star Trek depicts?

I have seen many titles, I am currently reading one, that describe a “post” world order; post-oil, post-capitalism, post-consumerism, post-globalization and post-industrialization. Everything seems to be pointing to a new world order.

This can be quite terrifying for a lot of people.  Let’s face it, most people don’t like change.

The Post Carbon Institute is where I found this essay which does not sugar-coat the possibility of a Mad Max future but it equally depicts the path toward a better, more sustainable alternative.

This is a big topic.  This little essay is a great way to start thinking about the changes that are coming and the choices we will have.

Highly recommended.

You can find the essay here -

Richard Heinberg's website -

Richard Heinberg

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