Monday 2 February 2015

Book Report #128 - The Year of Reading Dangerously by Andy Miller

Book 52 of 52
Page count 322

That's it!  Mission accomplished!

I started this challenge on February 1, 2014 and I read the last page of my 52nd book on January 31, 2015.

I will post a re-cap next Monday with a list of all the books.  You can also go back to my post, The Book A Week Challenge, to get an idea of what this challenge was like for me.

About half way through the challenge I heard about this book, pre-ordered it on and I kept it within easy reach.  I wanted it to be my last book.  I mean, come on, how perfect is the title?

Andy Miller's reason to read his books was to quell an embarrassment of not having read classic literature.  He and his wife created The List of Betterment then set upon the task of reading them in the order listed.  The challenges of his goal were very similar to mine, specifically finding time to read and reconnecting the synapses in the brain required to read books.

Miller did a nice job of commenting on the novels themselves and his own life while reading his selections.  It was his personal observations that I enjoyed the most. 

It is the epilogue that made me say, "wonderful", out loud.  In it he writes of ebooks and modern publishing then goes on to explain his encounters with Douglas Adams.  Of all the books Miller read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is the only one we had in common.  I agreed with every word he wrote and felt very satisfied that we had the same conclusions about it.

It was a perfect pick for this challenge.  I highly recommend this book for anybody who feels they simply don't read enough.

Andy Miller's website is here:

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